Please call 020 8968 2189 or check our Facebook Page for up to date information.

Kensal Rise
79 Chamberlayne Road
NW10 3ND
020 8968 2189
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday 11am – 5pm

Queens Park
63 Salusbury Road
020 7062 5066
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday 11am – 5pm

76 Willesden High Road
NW10 2PU
020 8451 9765
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday 11am – 5pm

263 Neasden Lane
NW10 1QG
020 8175 4909
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday: Closed

Maida Hill
510 Harrow Road
W9 3QA
020 896 07867
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday 11am – 5pm

Wembley Park
17 Bridge Road
020 890 4756
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday: Closed

Willesden Green
31 Walm Lane
020 8459 2003
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday 11am – 5pm
Please note that during this time, our capacity to accept donations is determined by the safety to our customers, volunteers and staff. Please check our Facebook Page for up to date information.
We are always grateful for your donations. And we will always take in whatever you bring to one of our shops when we are open.
If you have a substantial donation and you would like it to be collected please call or email us using these contact details:
020 8968 2189 [email protected]
Please bear in mind you can incur a small fee due to distance, mileage and collection time. Please contact us via email at [email protected] to discuss further.

Gift Aid is a scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer, which means your donations will be worth 25% more to us at no extra cost to you. If you Gift Aid your donated goods, we can claim back from HMRC 25p for every £1 from the proceeds of the sale of your items.
This additional income really does make a big difference, so please don’t forget to Gift Aid donations if you are a UK taxpayer. It’s easy to do. And our staff will probably ask you if you want to.
What we do
The Centre for Peaceful Solutions (CPS) is a registered charity with a track record in using The Dialogue Road Map (DRM) to reduce conflict and violence.
CPS establishes projects that change attitudes to conflict and help to resolve disputes peacefully within families, communities and organisations. It can be used in many situations from violent crime retaliations to family disagreements, from workplace challenges to neighbour disputes.
Our areas of work
“The Centre for Peaceful Solutions worked to encourage people to dialogue out of conflict rather than stab or shoot each other.”Bethan West, United Nations Representative & Community Safety Consultant
“The work that Maria is doing challenges us to squarely face the responsibilities that are ours and equally say ‘ No, absolutely not to guilt trips. ‘It is of vital importance to our mental health and must be promoted and supported’
DR Althea Jones- Lecointe
British Black panther Movement and one of the Mangrove 9
The importance of our charity shops, donors, volunteers and customers
We do not receive any government funding for our work. By generating our own funding we can maintain our independence and avoid becoming agents of our contractors.
We chose the charity shop business as it creates employment and plugs us into the local community. A small charity like ours does not have a significant budget for marketing and we often go unseen because our work is discreet. Who wants to publicly admit that they have an issue with violence?
Charities have a very special concession for the sale of donated goods which means they are not subject to tax. This means that profits are donated to the charity. There is also a concession on Business Rates and the possibility for UK taxpayers to GiftAid their donation which brings in an extra 25p on each £.
However, a charity shop has all the usual overheads of running a business including rent, salaries, repairs, health and safety, insurance, utilities and setting up a shop requires investment in rent deposit, shop fit out and recruitment. This means we have to regulate our pricing in order to meet the overheads and provide benefit to the charity. Without benefit to the charity the shops would not exist.
A charity shop also has the monumental task of sorting donations which is only achieved through people power which is why we need volunteers.
For comparison, a healthy profit margin in the retail sector and for small business is around 10 to 15%. We generally manage to maintain around 15% to 20% because some of the work is carried out by volunteers. These profits go to the charity which also has salary and overheads to pay and without this funding we could not sustain our work. We also hold occasional fundraisers and seek grants from donors and trusts who are interested in our work.

We want you to have a great experience of our shops whether you are donating, buying or volunteering. If you have a less than pleasant experience, we always want to hear from you on these contact details